Monday Evenings, Live Over Zoom

6 Weeks: January 22nd - February 26th. 7-9:30pm (NYC Time)

Looking to build or refine your sketchbook practice? Join me Monday evenings from 7-9:30pm (NYC Time!) over Zoom for six weeks, 1/22 - 2/26, and work towards filling a sketchbook with me!

Each week we'll look at examples of great art by both historic and contemporary artists that demonstrate excellent use of line/mark-making to enrich their visual content, and we'll create prompts to keep us moving forward in our own practice. While we'll be focusing on line usage/function (mark-making) as our larger investigative notion, I'll be strongly encouraging everybody to explore their own subject matter, themes, and interests in this course (drapery, birds, rocks, anatomy, etc!) While this session of Sketchbook Development will build on the previous ones, it's also a great session to join us for the first time! 

Sketchbooks are all about studying, exploring, playing, and making art for ourselves (no deadlines for shows or commissions here!) Building a personalized sketchbook practice takes time, and throughout this online course (and with the support of our peers), we'll work towards filling up a sketchbook and do just that! This course has been designed to allow for a ton of breathability- sketchbooks are a personal thing, and you're welcome to take the material in whatever way you'd like- as such, this online course is suitable for anybody interested, regardless of their level of experience. You're welcome to pick up a new sketchbook for the course or work in one you already have! 

Course Curriculum

  1. Welcome to the Course!

  2. Week 1 (1/22): Searching Notions

  3. Week 2 (1/29): Construction

  4. Week 3 (2/5): Optical

  5. Week 4 (2/12): Tactile

  6. Week 5 (2/19): Contour & Edge

About this Course

  • $279.00
  • Mondays, 1/22 - 2/26, 7-9:30pm
  • Live Online Course (Zoom)
  • Recordings (No Expiration)

Model Studies in Kitson's Sketchbook

Level Up Your Sketching

After Clews Jr, Colored Pencil Crosshatching Demonstration by Kitson